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Regarding the NPPL(M) G pilot training ,  here is the schedule for the Theory courses. The weekends' course consists of 60 hours theory divided into 4 modules: Date Time 1st module = 15 hours 25.01 18,00 - 21,00 26.01 09,00 - 12,00 12,30 - 15,30 27.01 09,00 - 12,00 12,30 - 15,30 2nd module = 15...

Fall-Winter-Special Now and only available for a short period of time: Get your special offer and safe up to 5,500.- EUR for a new AutoGyro! Your contact person Mathias Oesterreich will be happy to explain our Fall-Winter-Packages to you and is looking forward to your phone...

Auto Gyro in Bulgaria AutoGyro in Bulgaria AutoGyro GmbH is the world leader in the development, production and sales of gyrocopters. Since its inception in 1999, the specialized company has grown progressively and today it employs more than 80 highly qualified specialists and engineers. The company...